Family working together to provide a wonderful life for each individual we serve, and striving to create a quality work environment for our excellent staff.


Management Team

  • Bridget Olugbemi

    Founder and CEO of Compassionate Hearts Family Services, LLC and Live Impact Day Support.

  • Ola Olugbemi

    Director of Operations and Quality Service Manager.

  • Emily Olugbemi

    Director of Live Impact Day Support and Office Manager.

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Our Mission

The mission of our program is to provided flexible and individualized program supports to empower adult residents with intellectual disabilities to live, work and participate in community life to the extent of their abilities.

Our Story

Bridget Olugbemi opened her first group home of Compassionate Hearts at Theo’s Place in 2007. Keeping her new program individual focused she remained small to establish quality care practices. As C.H.F.S has grown through opening two more homes over the past 14 years, Bridget has kept the same mindset which has turned our program into what it is today.

Our Vision

Reaching the greater Richmond area while providing compassionate service and enhancing our community through one individual at a time.